Work In Cordoba Cup
The Volunteer Program for the CORDOBA CUP is now open for applications. If you are at least 18 years old can be available for 7 consecutive days and wish to be part of the teams working at both events in Cordoba City.
The areas they will be involved in include communications, catering services, transport, protocol, accreditation, IT, press operations, hospitality, medical services and competition services, among others.
The Local Organizing Committee expects the Volunteer Program to be one of the main ways to involve the people of Argentine and the international community in the CORDOBA CUP. To this end, the objectives of the program have been divided into three basic phases:
1) The selection process: mobilizing and bringing together people from Argentine and the rest of the world who are willing to contribute to the hosting of the CORDOBA CUP.
2) During the events: motivate the volunteers and guarantee ideal conditions for them to communicate joyfulness and warmth in attending and directing delegations and fans, thereby ensuring the unique party atmosphere that is synonymous with the CORDOBA CUP.
The Local Organizing Committee of CORDOBA CUP welcomes diversity in gender, skin colour, sexual orientation and age, as well as the inclusion of people with special needs.
If you have any question, do not hesitate in writing an email to