CORDOBA is the urban host city

Cordoba is the most popular city in the summer´s Argentine for living. The closeness to the harbor and the see is what people usually value highly. Others appreciate the hospitality you meet wherever you go. Not forgetting the very typical Cordoba humor. Cordoba is one of Argentina foremost event cities. The city is used to happenings and events and that also makes it used to taking care of visitors. You will most certainly feel welcome here. Cordoba is probably the most international city in Central Region of country and it is never more international than during the Cordoba Cup.

The climate of this province is of the continental temperate type, with cool winters and hot summers, with an average annual temperature of between 10º and 18º Celsius. Rainfall is seasonal in summer averaging about 800 mm a year. Cordoba has a range of local and micro-climates justifying its reputation as a national tourism center since the turn of last century. The Cordoba Hills Region, in the three valleys of Calamuchita, Punilla and Traslasierra, possesses a dry continental climate, typical of sierra country. Summer daytime temperatures are warm, and nights are cool. There is a dry season lasting from May through November. The average summer temperature is 22º C and the winter one is 12º C.

You are recommended to take cool clothing for the daytime and some jackets or sweaters for the mornings and nights, which are usually cooler. Comfortable informal wear is best for friendly gatherings and somewhat more formal clothing for social events.

There are no endemic diseases in this area, so no special vaccines are required for entry. Argentina is free of foot and mouth disease, so beef can be safely eaten.
Argentina has an important network of hospitals, clinics and sanitary posts throughout its territory, most with emergency services. The hospitals in the main cities can deal with high-complexity cases, while treatment is basic in nature in the remote villages.
Cordoba Municipality has advised the population on the dangers of bathing in the Suquia River, and the "serious hazards" this poses to the health of bathers of all ages. Many of the local inhabitants choose this way of cooling off when temperatures get too high. This is why the Municipality also pointed out that this watercourse also has an extremely variable flow and bursts its banks immediately after the heavy summer storms, making it extremely dangerous for bathers.

All the Argentine cities that figure on your itinerary have drinking water treatment plants. However, to avoid any kind of problem, we recommend you drink bottled water, especially when visiting remote attractions.

When the time comes to refresh one's energy, the local cuisine is highly recommendable, including all kinds of meats such as classical Argentine beef barbecue, roast kid accompanied with green salads, pickled vizcacha, craft cheeses, sausages and cold cuts, fish and central European and international cooking and desserts, accompanied by home-brewed beers, wines from the best wineries in the country or sodas. All these delicacies are available in the many restaurants and tea rooms in the province.

We reserve the right to make changes to the order of the trip, without prior notice, due to changes in climate conditions, river water levels, flight or bus arrival and departure times or any other reason relevant to the best development of the trip.

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