In Cordoba you will feel as at home...

More than 2000 players, trainers and relatives come from other Argentinean regions and from the foreign.
CORDOBA CUP offers you different housing options that you could choose to share with your team and parents.
There you will find joy and Amiability. This advantage is in charge of our staff. We guarantee the best services.
CORDOBA CUP is your home. Enjoy every moment. The important thing is to return!


The organization of CORDOBA CUP works together with diverse housing to offer you the best comforts in order that the stay.
For the players and for the relatives of the delegation. The whole of seats that the organization arranges is of 2500.
Our staff works towards with different housing complexes of 2 to 5 stars. Offering all inclusive service (breakfast/lunch/dinner).

Category A – Housing Sport Accommodation
Category B – Hotels & Hostels Accommodation

The first meal is dinner on the arrival day in each tournament and the last meal is breakfast and lunch on the last day in each tournament. 

Category C – Own Accommodation

Teams arranging their own accommodation. There are a limited number of teams accepted in this category.
All participants in this category need to pay a participant fee USD 200.

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